Hana Syoryu (Flower Rising Dragon)

This dragon is a god of water living at "Zuiryu no Matsu" in Shibamata Taisyakuten.

This place is the town of water, and a clay figure with a hat was found at Shibamata Hachiman tomb and it is called "Tora-san Haniwa".

We believe that this place used to be a trading port under the influence of the Korean Peninsula, and was sandwiched between the river and always suffering from flood damages.

The dragon has continued to give us water, and sometimes rage, and keeps an eye on this town since ancient times.

On the other hand, this lady is a fairy of iris which is recognized as Katsushika-ward's flower. She is playing by imitating Taisyakuten on the elephant-shaped crowd.

You can find acquatic animals living on her shoulders (there are many frogs in the area).

The dragon chases flowers and flies away like a cat attracted by bristle grasses.

Shibamata is peaceful today.
Kato was born in Saitama and graduated from Joshibi University of Art and Design majoring in Western Painting in 1996. She worked in a production studio of a stationary company and became a freelance illustrator in 1999, creating books, posters, CD design, stationary, and illustarations. She has held a private exhibition at TENGAI GALLERY produced by contemporary artist Hisashi Tenmyouya in 2012.
